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Foxy Originals
作者姓名:Tim Silk; Elizabeth M.A. Grasby
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B00A026
出版日期:2000/12/08內容長度:9 頁

Foxy Originals manufactured and distributed its own exclusive line of hand-made necklaces at weekend festivals and to retailers in southern Ontario. They sold the necklaces at the festivals at wholesale prices and a number of their retailers complained. The two young partners of Foxy Originals had to decide whether to continue selling at festivals and to retailers at different prices, or to focus on a single distribution method and pricing strategy. .....more

Mongolian Grill - Teaching Note
作者姓名:John S. Haywood-Farmer; Tim Silk;
出版日期:1999/12/06內容長度:5 頁

Teaching note for product 9A99D013.

Mongolian Grill
作者姓名:John S. Haywood-Farmer; Tim Silk;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A99D013
出版日期:1999/12/01內容長度:8 頁

The Mongolian Grill is a concept restaurant faced with a decision of whether to expand its capacity. The manager's objective is to optimize the restaurant's profitability without compromising the dining experience of its customers. This case is intended to introduce students to operations issues in a service environment (as opposed to a manufacturing environment). The concept of line balancing is central to the case. The case is also intended .....more

GE Capital Canada: Commercial Equipment Financing Division
作者姓名:Elizabeth M.A. Grasby; Tim Silk;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A99N005
出版日期:1999/04/07內容長度:8 頁

An assistant account manager is evaluating a loan request from a small trucking company that is planning to expand its fleet in order to bid for a large trucking contract. The decision is centered on the firm's past performance and growth record. Particular attention is paid to the firm's chances of winning the trucking contract and its ability to service the increased debt. New highway safety regulations for trucking companies also play a .....more

GE Capital Canada: Commercial Equipment Division - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Tim Silk; Elizabeth M.A. Grasby;
出版日期:1999/04/07內容長度:13 頁

Teaching note for product 9A99N005.

Central Insurance Canada
作者姓名:John S. Haywood-Farmer; Tim Silk
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A97D009
出版日期:1997/07/22內容長度:7 頁

In response to a recent incident the supervisor of administration services was trying to decide how best to prevent the company from sending out mail with insufficient postage. The case describes how the company determines how much postage is required and the process Canada Post uses in dealing with mail with insufficient postage. The supervisor is examining two options. One involves a software solution to calculate envelope weight, the other involves .....more